Sunday, December 21, 2008

Long Term Sub!

I enjoy subbing. The last three weeks I have been in a third grade class.
So some fun stories from my time.
Well, I have this one girl L. who occasionally jumped out of her seat. So she jumped up and then a few seconds later went to sit back down. She fell backwards completely missing the chair. She looks up and says "Hey who moved my chair. J. did you move it!?" J. says "just a few inches." I had to turn away because I was trying not to laugh.
Then I have T. and A. both of them liked to jump out of their seats as well. They are also at different tables, so I would look at one get him back in his chair and the other would be out of his seat! Boys!
Okay another day we were doing quickwrites. One of the boys has no motivation to write but likes to sing. So I told him to write down anything he wanted. So a few minutes later his face is in his notebook and he is shaking. I walk up to the table and the other kids their tell me that he is only fake crying. So I ask him to lift up his head. I can see sploches on his book. SO he isn't fake crying. "Well, what's wrong?". He pushes his note book over. He is writing the words to the song Christmas Shoes. Which is about a little boy who wants to buy his mom nice shoes because she is dying. It really is a sad song.

Well thats all for now!
God Bless, and Merry Christmas!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Oh, Boy!

Two weeks ago and then last week I subbed multiple days in the same High School class. I have this one student in two periods. On several different days he has told me I'm pretty. Normally it happens when I am asking him to do something and he may not want to do it. I tell him thank you and to please continue doing what he is supposed to be doing.
Then also one day when subbing for first grade I had one of my students winking at me. I asked him what he was doing and he just said, "I don't know."
Well that is some of my latest subbing stories.
Hope you enjoy!

Monday, November 17, 2008


Hello! I will be posting about subbing experiences, books I have read, movies I have watched, and displaying some of pictures!!